Global Compact Network Pakistan Commended Artistic Milliner’s Achievements in Aligning their Business Practices with SDGs (Karachi-31st January 2023) UN Global Compact Network Pakistan (UN GCNP) organized Business Talk SDGs Meeting on elevating ambition for greater collective action on the sustainable …
GLOBAL COMPACT NETWORK PAKISTAN EMPHASISES UPON INTEGRATED EFFORTS BY STAKEHOLDERS TO ADDRESS ISSUES OF CORRUPTION IN MARITIME INDUSTRY (Karachi - 28th December 2022): “Transparency, responsibility, accountability and responsiveness are the four indicators put at the other end of the continuum …
DRIVING SUSTAINABILITY: GLOBAL COMPACT NETWORK PAKISTAN ACKNOWLEDGES K-ELECTRIC’S CONTRIBUTIONS TO SDGs KARACHI 23rd November 2022: Executive Director of the Global Compact Network Pakistan Fasihul Karim Siddiqi commended KE’s contribution towards the UN Sustainable Development Goals, sharing their initiatives as an …
Press Release FCEPL
Press Release-AI Engineers
GCNP encourages companies to promote Urban Forests