Message from the Executive Director
The paths followed by Global Compact Network Pakistan (GCNP) members in their quest for Sustainability are indeed individualistic and unique! These journeys needed to be brought to the attention of not only the public at larger but also to the UNGC global community and business enterprises within Pakistan. GCNP has attempted to this with the hope and prayer that these companies shine in their sustainability quests and their sustainability results become beacons for other enterprises to emulate.
All these individual journeys are seen to contribute to the implementation of the United Nations Global Compact’s (UNGC) 10 principles on Human Rights, Labor, Environment, and Anticorruption as well as the UNGC’s Sustainable Development Goals.
The case studies are ten mono-dimensional descriptive cases on the best practices of Sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiatives undertaken by some member corporate organizations of the GCNP. The cases represent the contributions being made by Pakistani businesses in creating environmentally safe organizations and a sustainable ecology within the Country. More specifically, these cases promote and support the UN-led (SDGs) under the GCNP’s mission of shaping and empowering businesses to be competitive in the global market through sustainable value creation in line with the 10 principles of UNGC.
The ten Pakistani corporates that participated in GCNP’s case studies project, listed in alphabetical order, are AGI Denim, Artistic Milliners, Davaam Life, Liberty Mills Limited, MG Apparel, Naveena Exports Ltd., Packages Limited, Roshan Packages Limited, Sapphire Textile Mills Limited, and Taiga Apparel (Pvt) Ltd. These companies have done significant, and in some ways unique, work on the subject of Sustainability, and have created a balance between profitability, people care, and planet protection as a result of their operations.
The cases have been written based on the information available on the websites of these volunteering companies, their published reports, interviews conducted with their ‘Sustainability Program’ related leaders, and the author’s observations during the visit to the companies’ factories and offices.
On behalf of GCNP, I am thankful to these companies for their participation in this project, to the GCNP team members that spent significant time and effort in the Project, and to the case consultant, without whom these studies would not have been documented so wonderfully.
The impact stories of ten companies have been uploaded on the GCNP portal / website.